مؤسسة الدعم الإجتماعي و التكنولوجي- بنغلاديش
Society For Social & Technological Support(SSTS) is a Non Government Organization in Bangladesh. Established by the Mercy International (الرحمة العالمية) in 1993, NGO Reg. No: 760, under the NGO Bureau Bangladesh Ordinance no: 46, 1978. The Society For Social & Technological Support(SSTS) collects donations in order to provide emergency relief and development assistance to the disaster-affected areas. Programs focus on orphan care, vocational training, Technical hand, poverty elevation program, small business assistance, educational scholarships, curricular development, construction of schools ,civic buildings, and health care provision; the organization also runs a Qur’an memorization initiative. SSTS has worked with different countries like Indonesia, Nepal, India, Srilanka, Combodia, Philippine, and Thailand. SSTS is based in Kuwait and Qatar.